Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cynicism rules!

let no man speak for themselves
let no one stand up for what they believe in
sarcasm is what we need, not action!!!
as long as we are equipped with cyncism then no one can touch us!
while i'm typing this blog.....
im gonna smoke a bowl,
eat a ham sandwich,
smoke a cigarette,
and talk about how we need to save things....
you know, like dolphins, or the earth, or time...

i mean seriously, i only played video games for 4 hours today!
we need to have more time to do nothing.
to kill nazi's and fight virtual terrorists, or zombies!

And for those that dont know,
facebook makes us better people
my lil greenhouse alone produces enough oxygen
to supply us for years with delicious air..........
facebook is like the new bumper sticker.........
look at my activism!!!!
while i sit here and comment on everyone's status
because my friends are so intriguing
that we all need to know if they are drinking coffee
or waiting for warmer weather.
or binge drinking.

now if youll excuse me, i have to get back to being
'big brother' to all my friends (and some who arent),
and being the emperor of a virtual world.

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